Account Related Charges
Description |
Personal Account |
Corporate Account |
Account opening |
Monthly maintenance |
$5.00 |
$30.00 |
Additional currency accounts and maintenance |
Dormancy/Inactivity |
N/A |
N/A |
Blocked Amount1 |
$60.00 |
$360.00 |
1Amount is withheld from available balance on an ongoing basis for payment of maintenance fees.
Investment Accounts
Online brokerage account (multi-platform) |
Gold/Silver backed account |
Convenience Fees
Online banking access |
Account closure |
Investigation of a SWIFT transfer |
$75.00 |
Recall of a SWIFT transfer |
$75.00 |
Repair of a SWIFT transfer |
$75.00 |
Password reset (by bank employee) |
$5.00 |
Security key reset |
$10.00 |
Wire return fee |
$75.00 |
Reactivation fee1 |
$100.00 |
1Fee subject to review
Reporting Fees
Automated email notifications and digital statements |
SWIFT message copy |
$20.00 |
Account confirmation statement |
$25.00 |
Bank reference |
$25.00 |
Courier delivery of reports (if requested) |
$10.00 + courier cost |
Accounting/audit fee |
Please inquire |
Transfer Fees
Internal Transfers
Transfer between accounts |
Transfer to another client |
$5.00 |
Transfer to a different currency account1 |
$5.00 |
1Transfer fees are not inclusive of foreign exchange rates/spreads. Indicative rates/spreads can be found here.
Wire Transfers
Transfer Amount1 |
€1-12,500 |
€12,501-50,000 |
€50,000+ |
Incoming Wire Transfer2 |
$16 |
$35 |
$103 |
Outgoing Wire Transfer3,4 |
$30 |
$46 |
$110 |
1Wire transfer amounts are based on the EUR (€) size of the transaction across all currencies.
2Additional surcharge of $60 applies to all incoming wire transfers received directly in Epacific Bank’s account at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. To prevent paying this surcharge, please make sure to closely follow our USD incoming payment instructions.
3Outgoing wire payment fees do not include the cost of intermediary charges. To ensure the beneficiary receives the full amount the wire should be sent with the “OUR” charging instruction, which has an additional fee as per (4) below.
4Additional charge for “OUR” payments of $20 applies.
Account Related Charges
Description |
Personal Account |
Corporate Account |
Account opening |
Monthly maintenance |
€3.75 |
€22.50 |
Additional currency accounts and maintenance |
Dormancy/Inactivity |
N/A |
N/A |
Blocked Amount1 |
€45.00 |
€270.00 |
1Amount is withheld from available balance on an ongoing basis for payment of maintenance fees.
Investment Accounts
Online brokerage account (multi-platform) |
Gold/Silver backed account |
Convenience Fees
Online banking access |
Account closure |
Investigation of a SWIFT transfer |
€55.00 |
Recall of a SWIFT transfer |
€55.00 |
Repair of a SWIFT transfer |
€55.00 |
Password reset (by bank employee) |
€3.75 |
Security key reset |
€7.50 |
Wire return fee |
€55.00 |
Reactivation fee1 |
€75.00 |
1Fee subject to review
Reporting Fees
Automated email notifications and digital statements |
SWIFT message copy |
€15.00 |
Account confirmation statement |
€18.75 |
Bank reference |
€18.75 |
Courier delivery of reports (if requested) |
€7.50 + courier cost |
Accounting/audit fee |
Please inquire |
Transfer Fees
Internal Transfers
Transfer between accounts |
Transfer to another client |
€5.00 |
Transfer to a different currency account1 |
€5.00 |
1Transfer fees are not inclusive of foreign exchange rates/spreads. Indicative rates/spreads can be found here.
Wire Transfers
Transfer Amount1 |
€1-12,500 |
€12,501-50,000 |
€50,000+ |
Incoming Wire Transfer |
€12 |
€25 |
€75 |
Outgoing Wire Transfer2,3 |
€22 |
€35 |
€85 |
1Wire transfer amounts are based on the EUR (€) size of the transaction across all currencies.
2Outgoing wire payment fees do not include the cost of intermediary charges. To ensure the beneficiary receives the full amount the wire should be sent with the “OUR” charging instruction, which has an additional fee as per (3) below.
3Additional charge for “OUR” payments of €18 applies.
Account Related Charges
Description |
Personal Account |
Corporate Account |
Account opening |
Monthly maintenance |
£3.50 |
£19.50 |
Additional currency accounts and maintenance |
Dormancy/Inactivity |
N/A |
N/A |
Blocked Amount1 |
£42.00 |
£234.00 |
1Amount is withheld from available balance on an ongoing basis for payment of maintenance fees.
Investment Accounts
Online brokerage account (multi-platform) |
Gold/Silver backed account |
Convenience Fees
Online banking access |
Account closure |
Investigation of a SWIFT transfer |
£45.00 |
Recall of a SWIFT transfer |
£45.00 |
Repair of a SWIFT transfer |
£45.00 |
Password reset (by bank employee) |
£3.50 |
Security key reset |
£7.00 |
Wire return fee |
£45.00 |
Reactivation fee1 |
£65.00 |
1Fee subject to review
Reporting Fees
Automated email notifications and digital statements |
SWIFT message copy |
£14.00 |
Account confirmation statement |
£16.25 |
Bank reference |
£16.25 |
Courier delivery of reports (if requested) |
£7.00 + courier cost |
Accounting/audit fee |
Please inquire |
Transfer Fees
Internal Transfers
Transfer between accounts |
Transfer to another client |
£5.00 |
Transfer to a different currency account1 |
£5.00 |
1Transfer fees are not inclusive of foreign exchange rates/spreads. Indicative rates/spreads can be found here.
Wire Transfers
Transfer Amount1 |
€1-12,500 |
€12,501-50,000 |
€50,000+ |
Incoming Wire Transfer |
£10 |
£21 |
£65 |
Outgoing Wire Transfer2,3 |
£18 |
£28 |
£68 |
1Wire transfer amounts are based on the EUR (€) size of the transaction across all currencies.
2Outgoing wire payment fees do not include the cost of intermediary charges. To ensure the beneficiary receives the full amount the wire should be sent with the “OUR” charging instruction, which has an additional fee as per (3) below.
3Additional charge for “OUR” payments of £15 applies.
Account Related Charges
Description |
Personal Account |
Corporate Account |
Account opening |
Monthly maintenance |
$5.75 |
$33.00 |
Additional currency accounts and maintenance |
Dormancy/Inactivity |
N/A |
N/A |
Blocked Amount1 |
$69.00 |
$396.00 |
1Amount is withheld from available balance on an ongoing basis for payment of maintenance fees.
Investment Accounts
Online brokerage account (multi-platform) |
Gold/Silver backed account |
Convenience Fees
Online banking access |
Account closure |
Investigation of a SWIFT transfer |
$80.00 |
Recall of a SWIFT transfer |
$80.00 |
Repair of a SWIFT transfer |
$80.00 |
Password reset (by bank employee) |
$5.75 |
Security key reset |
$11.50 |
Wire return fee |
$80.00 |
Reactivation fee1 |
$106.00 |
1Fee subject to review
Reporting Fees
Automated email notifications and digital statements |
SWIFT message copy |
$23.00 |
Account confirmation statement |
$27.50 |
Bank reference |
$27.50 |
Courier delivery of reports (if requested) |
$11.50 + courier cost |
Accounting/audit fee |
Please inquire |
Transfer Fees
Internal Transfers
Transfer between accounts |
Transfer to another client |
$5.00 |
Transfer to a different currency account1 |
$5.00 |
1Transfer fees are not inclusive of foreign exchange rates/spreads. Indicative rates/spreads can be found here.
Wire Transfers
Transfer Amount1 |
€1-12,500 |
€12,501-50,000 |
€50,000+ |
Incoming Wire Transfer |
$18 |
$34 |
$107 |
Outgoing Wire Transfer2,3 |
$32 |
$50 |
$120 |
1Wire transfer amounts are based on the EUR (€) size of the transaction across all currencies.
2Outgoing wire payment fees do not include the cost of intermediary charges. To ensure the beneficiary receives the full amount the wire should be sent with the “OUR” charging instruction, which has an additional fee as per (3) below.
3Additional charge for “OUR” payments of $25 applies.
Account Related Charges
Description |
Personal Account |
Corporate Account |
Account opening |
Monthly maintenance |
$5.50 |
$32.00 |
Additional currency accounts and maintenance |
Dormancy/Inactivity |
N/A |
N/A |
Blocked Amount1 |
$66.00 |
$384.00 |
1Amount is withheld from available balance on an ongoing basis for payment of maintenance fees.
Investment Accounts
Online brokerage account (multi-platform) |
Gold/Silver backed account |
Convenience Fees
Online banking access |
Account closure |
Investigation of a SWIFT transfer |
$80.00 |
Recall of a SWIFT transfer |
$80.00 |
Repair of a SWIFT transfer |
$80.00 |
Password reset (by bank employee) |
$5.50 |
Security key reset |
$11.00 |
Wire return fee |
$80.00 |
Reactivation fee1 |
$110.00 |
1Fee subject to review
Reporting Fees
Automated email notifications and digital statements |
SWIFT message copy |
$22.00 |
Account confirmation statement |
$26.50 |
Bank reference |
$26.50 |
Courier delivery of reports (if requested) |
$11.00 + courier cost |
Accounting/audit fee |
Please inquire |
Transfer Fees
Internal Transfers
Transfer between accounts |
Transfer to another client |
$5.00 |
Transfer to a different currency account1 |
$5.00 |
1Transfer fees are not inclusive of foreign exchange rates/spreads. Indicative rates/spreads can be found here.
Wire Transfers
Transfer Amount1 |
€1-12,500 |
€12,501-50,000 |
€50,000+ |
Incoming Wire Transfer |
$18 |
$34 |
$107 |
Outgoing Wire Transfer2,3 |
$32 |
$50 |
$120 |
1Wire transfer amounts are based on the EUR (€) size of the transaction across all currencies.
2Outgoing wire payment fees do not include the cost of intermediary charges. To ensure the beneficiary receives the full amount the wire should be sent with the “OUR” charging instruction, which has an additional fee as per (3) below.
3Additional charge for “OUR” payments of $25 applies.
Account Related Charges
Description |
Personal Account |
Corporate Account |
Account opening |
Monthly maintenance |
¥600 |
¥3500 |
Additional currency accounts and maintenance |
Dormancy/Inactivity |
N/A |
N/A |
Blocked Amount1 |
¥7200 |
¥42,000 |
1Amount is withheld from available balance on an ongoing basis for payment of maintenance fees.
Investment Accounts
Online brokerage account (multi-platform) |
Gold/Silver backed account |
Convenience Fees
Online banking access |
Account closure |
Investigation of a SWIFT transfer |
¥9000 |
Recall of a SWIFT transfer |
¥9000 |
Repair of a SWIFT transfer |
¥9000 |
Password reset (by bank employee) |
¥600 |
Security key reset |
¥1200 |
Wire return fee |
¥9000 |
Reactivation fee1 |
¥12,000 |
1Fee subject to review
Reporting Fees
Automated email notifications and digital statements |
SWIFT message copy |
¥2400 |
Account confirmation statement |
¥3000 |
Bank reference |
¥3000 |
Courier delivery of reports (if requested) |
¥1200 + courier cost |
Accounting/audit fee |
Please inquire |
Transfer Fees
Internal Transfers
Transfer between accounts |
Transfer to another client |
¥600 |
Transfer to a different currency account1 |
¥600 |
1Transfer fees are not inclusive of foreign exchange rates/spreads. Indicative rates/spreads can be found here.
Wire Transfers
Transfer Amount1 |
€1-12,500 |
€12,501-50,000 |
€50,000+ |
Incoming Wire Transfer |
¥1675 |
¥3500 |
¥10,400 |
Outgoing Wire Transfer2,3 |
¥3000 |
¥4800 |
¥12,000 |
1Wire transfer amounts are based on the EUR (€) size of the transaction across all currencies.
2Outgoing wire payment fees do not include the cost of intermediary charges. To ensure the beneficiary receives the full amount the wire should be sent with the “OUR” charging instruction, which has an additional fee as per (3) below.
3Additional charge for “OUR” payments of ¥2500 applies.
Account Related Charges
Description |
Personal Account |
Corporate Account |
Account opening |
Monthly maintenance |
$6.50 |
$40.00 |
Additional currency accounts and maintenance |
Dormancy/Inactivity |
N/A |
N/A |
Blocked Amount1 |
$78.00 |
$480.00 |
1Amount is withheld from available balance on an ongoing basis for payment of maintenance fees.
Investment Accounts
Online brokerage account (multi-platform) |
Gold/Silver backed account |
Convenience Fees
Online banking access |
Account closure |
Investigation of a SWIFT transfer |
$95.00 |
Recall of a SWIFT transfer |
$95.00 |
Repair of a SWIFT transfer |
$95.00 |
Password reset (by bank employee) |
$6.50 |
Security key reset |
$13.00 |
Wire return fee |
$95.00 |
Reactivation fee1 |
$130.00 |
1Fee subject to review
Reporting Fees
Automated email notifications and digital statements |
SWIFT message copy |
$26.00 |
Account confirmation statement |
$25.00 |
Bank reference |
$32.00 |
Courier delivery of reports (if requested) |
$13.00 + courier cost |
Accounting/audit fee |
Please inquire |
Transfer Fees
Internal Transfers
Transfer between accounts |
Transfer to another client |
$6.50 |
Transfer to a different currency account1 |
$6.50 |
1Transfer fees are not inclusive of foreign exchange rates/spreads. Indicative rates/spreads can be found here.
Wire Transfers
Transfer Amount1 |
€1-12,500 |
€12,501-50,000 |
€50,000+ |
Incoming Wire Transfer |
$20 |
$40 |
$115 |
Outgoing Wire Transfer2,3 |
$33 |
$53 |
$130 |
1Wire transfer amounts are based on the EUR (€) size of the transaction across all currencies.
2Outgoing wire payment fees do not include the cost of intermediary charges. To ensure the beneficiary receives the full amount the wire should be sent with the “OUR” charging instruction, which has an additional fee as per (3) below.
3Additional charge for “OUR” payments of $30 applies.
Account Related Charges
Description |
Personal Account |
Corporate Account |
Account opening |
Monthly maintenance |
4.75 |
28.00 |
Additional currency accounts and maintenance |
Dormancy/Inactivity |
N/A |
N/A |
Blocked Amount1 |
57.00 |
336.00 |
1Amount is withheld from available balance on an ongoing basis for payment of maintenance fees.
Investment Accounts
Online brokerage account (multi-platform) |
Gold/Silver backed account |
Convenience Fees
Online banking access |
Account closure |
Investigation of a SWIFT transfer |
70.00 |
Recall of a SWIFT transfer |
70.00 |
Repair of a SWIFT transfer |
70.00 |
Password reset (by bank employee) |
4.75 |
Security key reset |
9.50 |
Wire return fee |
70.00 |
Reactivation fee1 |
95.00 |
1Fee subject to review
Reporting Fees
Automated email notifications and digital statements |
SWIFT message copy |
19.00 |
Account confirmation statement |
23.75 |
Bank reference |
23.75 |
Courier delivery of reports (if requested) |
9.50 + courier cost |
Accounting/audit fee |
Please inquire |
Transfer Fees
Internal Transfers
Transfer between accounts |
Transfer to another client |
5.00 |
Transfer to a different currency account1 |
5.00 |
1Transfer fees are not inclusive of foreign exchange rates/spreads. Indicative rates/spreads can be found here.
Wire Transfers
Transfer Amount1 |
€1-12,500 |
€12,501-50,000 |
€50,000+ |
Incoming Wire Transfer |
15 |
33 |
95 |
Outgoing Wire Transfer2,3 |
27 |
42 |
102 |
1Wire transfer amounts are based on the EUR (€) size of the transaction across all currencies.
2Outgoing wire payment fees do not include the cost of intermediary charges. To ensure the beneficiary receives the full amount the wire should be sent with the “OUR” charging instruction, which has an additional fee as per (3) below.
3Additional charge for “OUR” payments of 20CHF applies.
Account Related Charges
Description |
Personal Account |
Corporate Account |
Account opening |
Monthly maintenance |
20.00 |
105.00 |
Additional currency accounts and maintenance |
Dormancy/Inactivity |
N/A |
N/A |
Blocked Amount1 |
240.00 |
1260.00 |
1Amount is withheld from available balance on an ongoing basis for payment of maintenance fees.
Investment Accounts
Online brokerage account (multi-platform) |
Gold/Silver backed account |
Convenience Fees
Online banking access |
Account closure |
Investigation of a SWIFT transfer |
300.00 |
Recall of a SWIFT transfer |
300.00 |
Repair of a SWIFT transfer |
300.00 |
Password reset (by bank employee) |
20.00 |
Security key reset |
40.00 |
Wire return fee |
300.00 |
Reactivation fee1 |
400.00 |
1Fee subject to review
Reporting Fees
Automated email notifications and digital statements |
SWIFT message copy |
80.00 |
Account confirmation statement |
100.00 |
Bank reference |
100.00 |
Courier delivery of reports (if requested) |
40.00 + courier cost |
Accounting/audit fee |
Please inquire |
Transfer Fees
Internal Transfers
Transfer between accounts |
Transfer to another client |
20.00 |
Transfer to a different currency account1 |
20.00 |
1Transfer fees are not inclusive of foreign exchange rates/spreads. Indicative rates/spreads can be found here.
Wire Transfers
Transfer Amount1 |
€1-12,500 |
€12,501-50,000 |
€50,000+ |
Incoming Wire Transfer |
55 |
105 |
315 |
Outgoing Wire Transfer2,3 |
93 |
146 |
355 |
1Wire transfer amounts are based on the EUR (€) size of the transaction across all currencies.
2Outgoing wire payment fees do not include the cost of intermediary charges. To ensure the beneficiary receives the full amount the wire should be sent with the “OUR” charging instruction, which has an additional fee as per (3) below.
3Additional charge for “OUR” payments of 80PLN applies.
Account Related Charges
Description |
Personal Account |
Corporate Account |
Account opening |
Monthly maintenance |
$6.50 |
$40.00 |
Additional currency accounts and maintenance |
Dormancy/Inactivity |
N/A |
N/A |
Blocked Amount1 |
$78.00 |
$480.00 |
1Amount is withheld from available balance on an ongoing basis for payment of maintenance fees.
Investment Accounts
Online brokerage account (multi-platform) |
Gold/Silver backed account |
Convenience Fees
Online banking access |
Account closure |
Investigation of a SWIFT transfer |
$100.00 |
Recall of a SWIFT transfer |
$100.00 |
Repair of a SWIFT transfer |
$100.00 |
Password reset (by bank employee) |
$6.50 |
Security key reset |
$13.00 |
Wire return fee |
$100.00 |
Reactivation fee1 |
$135.00 |
1Fee subject to review
Reporting Fees
Automated email notifications and digital statements |
SWIFT message copy |
$25.00 |
Account confirmation statement |
$35.00 |
Bank reference |
$35.00 |
Courier delivery of reports (if requested) |
$13.00 + courier cost |
Accounting/audit fee |
Please inquire |
Transfer Fees
Internal Transfers
Transfer between accounts |
Transfer to another client |
$6.50 |
Transfer to a different currency account1 |
$6.50 |
1Transfer fees are not inclusive of foreign exchange rates/spreads. Indicative rates/spreads can be found here.
Wire Transfers
Transfer Amount1 |
€1-12,500 |
€12,501-50,000 |
€50,000+ |
Incoming Wire Transfer |
$25 |
$55 |
$150 |
Outgoing Wire Transfer2,3 |
$45 |
$68 |
$165 |
1Wire transfer amounts are based on the EUR (€) size of the transaction across all currencies.
2Outgoing wire payment fees do not include the cost of intermediary charges. To ensure the beneficiary receives the full amount the wire should be sent with the “OUR” charging instruction, which has an additional fee as per (3) below.
3Additional charge for “OUR” payments of 30SGD applies.
Account Related Charges
Description |
Personal Account |
Corporate Account |
Account opening |
Monthly maintenance |
$40.00 |
$235.00 |
Additional currency accounts and maintenance |
Dormancy/Inactivity |
N/A |
N/A |
Blocked Amount1 |
$480.00 |
$2820.00 |
1Amount is withheld from available balance on an ongoing basis for payment of maintenance fees.
Investment Accounts
Online brokerage account (multi-platform) |
Gold/Silver backed account |
Convenience Fees
Online banking access |
Account closure |
Investigation of a SWIFT transfer |
$600.00 |
Recall of a SWIFT transfer |
$600.00 |
Repair of a SWIFT transfer |
$600.00 |
Password reset (by bank employee) |
$40.00 |
Security key reset |
$75.00 |
Wire return fee |
$600.00 |
Reactivation fee1 |
$800.00 |
1Fee subject to review
Reporting Fees
Automated email notifications and digital statements |
SWIFT message copy |
$145.00 |
Account confirmation statement |
$205.00 |
Bank reference |
$205.00 |
Courier delivery of reports (if requested) |
$75.00 + courier cost |
Accounting/audit fee |
Please inquire |
Transfer Fees
Internal Transfers
Transfer between accounts |
Transfer to another client |
$40.00 |
Transfer to a different currency account1 |
$40.00 |
1Transfer fees are not inclusive of foreign exchange rates/spreads. Indicative rates/spreads can be found here.
Wire Transfers
Transfer Amount1 |
€1-12,500 |
€12,501-50,000 |
€50,000+ |
Incoming Wire Transfer |
$150 |
$310 |
$850 |
Outgoing Wire Transfer2,3 |
$250 |
$400 |
$950 |
1Wire transfer amounts are based on the EUR (€) size of the transaction across all currencies.
2Outgoing wire payment fees do not include the cost of intermediary charges. To ensure the beneficiary receives the full amount the wire should be sent with the “OUR” charging instruction, which has an additional fee as per (3) below.
3Additional charge for “OUR” payments of 160HKD applies.
Account Related Charges
Description |
Personal Account |
Corporate Account |
Account opening |
Monthly maintenance |
45 kr |
265 kr |
Additional currency accounts and maintenance |
Dormancy/Inactivity |
N/A |
N/A |
Blocked Amount1 |
540 kr |
3180 kr |
1Amount is withheld from available balance on an ongoing basis for payment of maintenance fees.
Investment Accounts
Online brokerage account (multi-platform) |
Gold/Silver backed account |
Convenience Fees
Online banking access |
Account closure |
Investigation of a SWIFT transfer |
675 kr |
Recall of a SWIFT transfer |
675 kr |
Repair of a SWIFT transfer |
675 kr |
Password reset (by bank employee) |
45 kr |
Security key reset |
90 kr |
Wire return fee |
675 kr |
Reactivation fee1 |
875 kr |
1Fee subject to review
Reporting Fees
Automated email notifications and digital statements |
SWIFT message copy |
175 kr |
Account confirmation statement |
225 kr |
Bank reference |
225 kr |
Courier delivery of reports (if requested) |
90 kr + courier cost |
Accounting/audit fee |
Please inquire |
Transfer Fees
Internal Transfers
Transfer between accounts |
Transfer to another client |
45 kr |
Transfer to a different currency account1 |
45 kr |
1Transfer fees are not inclusive of foreign exchange rates/spreads. Indicative rates/spreads can be found here.
Wire Transfers
Transfer Amount1 |
€1-12,500 |
€12,501-50,000 |
€50,000+ |
Incoming Wire Transfer |
150 kr |
350 kr |
950 kr |
Outgoing Wire Transfer2,3 |
275 kr |
425 kr |
1000 kr |
1Wire transfer amounts are based on the EUR (€) size of the transaction across all currencies.
2Outgoing wire payment fees do not include the cost of intermediary charges. To ensure the beneficiary receives the full amount the wire should be sent with the “OUR” charging instruction, which has an additional fee as per (3) below.
3Additional charge for “OUR” payments of 180 kr applies.
Account Related Charges
Description |
Personal Account |
Corporate Account |
Account opening |
Monthly maintenance |
45 kr |
265 kr |
Additional currency accounts and maintenance |
Dormancy/Inactivity |
N/A |
N/A |
Blocked Amount1 |
540 kr |
3180 kr |
1Amount is withheld from available balance on an ongoing basis for payment of maintenance fees.
Investment Accounts
Online brokerage account (multi-platform) |
Gold/Silver backed account |
Convenience Fees
Online banking access |
Account closure |
Investigation of a SWIFT transfer |
675 kr |
Recall of a SWIFT transfer |
675 kr |
Repair of a SWIFT transfer |
675 kr |
Password reset (by bank employee) |
45 kr |
Security key reset |
90 kr |
Wire return fee |
675 kr |
Reactivation fee1 |
875 kr |
1Fee subject to review
Reporting Fees
Automated email notifications and digital statements |
SWIFT message copy |
175 kr |
Account confirmation statement |
225 kr |
Bank reference |
225 kr |
Courier delivery of reports (if requested) |
90 kr + courier cost |
Accounting/audit fee |
Please inquire |
Transfer Fees
Internal Transfers
Transfer between accounts |
Transfer to another client |
45 kr |
Transfer to a different currency account1 |
45 kr |
1Transfer fees are not inclusive of foreign exchange rates/spreads. Indicative rates/spreads can be found here.
Wire Transfers
Transfer Amount1 |
€1-12,500 |
€12,501-50,000 |
€50,000+ |
Incoming Wire Transfer |
150 kr |
350 kr |
950 kr |
Outgoing Wire Transfer2,3 |
275 kr |
425 kr |
1000 kr |
1Wire transfer amounts are based on the EUR (€) size of the transaction across all currencies.
2Outgoing wire payment fees do not include the cost of intermediary charges. To ensure the beneficiary receives the full amount the wire should be sent with the “OUR” charging instruction, which has an additional fee as per (3) below.
3Additional charge for “OUR” payments of 180 kr applies.